Welcome to the Adult Education Resource Center of Cobb County. My name is Samantha Wallace, and I am honored to serve as the Resource Center Coordinator. I pledge to provide resources on the various avenues and paths, we as life- long learners take, to make learning a seamless transition from the classroom to the workforce. It is evidence that the more knowledge we possess, the more gains and accomplishments we are certain to make in our lives. In the resource center there are various materials (literacy books, magazines, Pre-GED/GED workbooks, reference books, and much more!) that can be used to support each of our programs offered on campus.
Orientations were conducted to give staff and students an opportunity to see firsthand just what the center has to offer. The resource center will serve as a supplemental learning tool to enlighten, enhance, and encourage our students along their paths to academic success. Come in and experience the atmosphere where "resources" are at your fingertips!